Welcome to Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Roman Catholic Church
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
1357 East Capitol Street, Southeast
Washington, D.C. 20003
202.546.1885 ♦ www.hcscchurch.org
Reverend Monsignor Charles Pope, Pastor
Deacon James P. Flagg, II – Permanent Deacon

MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:00 AM (in small Chapel)
SATURDAY: 8:00 AM & 4:30 PM (vigil)
SUNDAY: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM
HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
HOLIDAYS (federal): daily weekday Mass at 8:00 AM
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – held every Friday at 6:00 PM
Confessions held 1/2 hour before weekend Mass or by request (call rectory office to schedule outside of regular hours)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – 10:00 AM-6:00PM
Main office email: hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org
Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Church Pastoral & Rectory Staff Listing
Name | Title | Phone | Extension | |
Reverend Monsignor Charles Pope | Pastor | pastor1@hcscchurch.org | (202) 546-1885 | ext. 17 |
Reverend F. Michael Bryant | In-Residence | (202) 546-1885 | ||
Deacon James P. Flagg, II | Permanent Deacon | jpflaggii@gmail.com | (202) 546-1885 | |
Mrs. Shirley Austin | Minister of Religious Education | mre@hcscchurch.org | (202) 546-1885 | |
Mr. George Stewart | Director of Music | gcsmusic@msn.com | (202) 546-1885 | |
Mrs. Nicki Gebrehiwot | Youth Director | youthdirector@hcscchurch.org | (202) 546-1885 | |
Mrs. Kimberly Peaks | Parish Administrative Manager | pam@hcscchurch.org | (202) 546-1885 | ext. 11 |
Mrs. June Holton Johnson | Administrative Assistant | hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org | (202) 546-1885 | ext. 12 |
Mr. Gregory Vines | Janitorial | (202) 546-1885 | ||
Mrs. Cheri Drumgoole-Parker | Janitorial | (202) 546-1885 | ||
Mrs. Anna-Maria DiPilla | Cook/Housekeeping | (202) 546-1885 | ||
Our parish maintains a database of parishioners and their families. We encourage all parishioners to register as a member of this parish if they have not done so. This will allow us to keep updated on you and your family; maintain sacramental and tithing/donation records along with other vital information.
Contact the rectory office at 202-546-1885 or hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org if you are:
1. a NEW or returning member;
2. having or adopting a child;
3. getting married or experiencing a life changing event.
Please know that we will not sell or provide your information to any outside marketing agency or advertising company. Your information is kept secure and confidential.
OUR SUNDAY VISITOR TITHING ENVELOPE SERVICE – Your financial support of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Church is truly a gift from God. Parishioners are welcome to receive weekly tithing envelopes to submit your tithes and donations. Every two months, you will receive a supply of envelopes in the mail to the address that you have specified. Contact the rectory office at 202-546-1885 or hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org for envelopes or if you have issues with the delivery of envelopes.
All tithes and donations submitted in a tithing envelope or via a check are recorded in your membership record. CASH donations not submitted in an envelope cannot be recorded since we are unaware of who is submitting the loose cash.
At the end of each calendar year, you can request a Contribution Statement listing your tithes and contributions throughout the year. These statements are available from the rectory office by request ONLY. We do not automatically send them to each parishioner who tithes.
ELECTRONIC TITHING PROGRAM – FAITH DIRECT – We invite you to participate in the electronic tithing program that Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church is offering to make it much easier to fulfill your very generous gifts to our church and missions. The company that manages this program is called Faith Direct.
Through Faith Direct, you can make all of your offertory contributions and second collections to Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Church via automatic payments from your checking account or credit card – just as you may do now with your regular expenses. Faith Direct offers a secure way for you to send, and our parish to receive, your regular contributions – even when vacation or business takes you out of town, or an illness prevents you from attending mass. You can even use Faith Direct for miscellaneous donations.
Faith Direct will provide you with a personalized “offertory card” that you can choose to place in the offertory basket as a visible sign of your support. Faith Direct will also provide you with a detailed itemized statement at the end of the year for tax purposes.
You can easily change your contribution by calling Faith Direct or going online to the website – just in case you need to stop a payment or make a change in the amount. This is a FREE service for our parishioners and does not cost you anything to enroll and use. And, you can stop or change it at any time.
To securely enroll online: click here: FaithDirect parish webpage or scan the QR code below. Or, you can contact the rectory office at 202-546-1885 or hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org for more information. Our Church code is DC59.
NOTE: Your tithes will be deducted ONCE a month or TWICE a month. If you prefer twice a month, then contact Faith Direct directly to make your arrangements at (866) 507-8757.
If you have a family member or friend who is sick, hospitalized, homebound or in a nursing home, contact the rectory office at 202-546-1885 or hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org and let us know so that we can schedule someone to visit and bring Holy Communion. If you have a family member who is unable to come to Church and want to receive the bulletin, please call the rectory office so that thy may be added to the mailing list.
It is the spiritual work of mercy to pray for others, both living and deceased. Every day the sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated in this Church. On the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation it is celebrated a number of times. Each of these masses are celebrated with a special intention whether it be for a deceased person or someone who is ailing and in need of prayer. You are welcome to offer a mass intention for a family member or friend. Please note that the available dates for a mass intention fill up quickly so contact the office early to reserve a mass intention. The customary donation is $10 per mass intention. Contact the rectory office at 202-546-1885 or hcscstaff@hcscchurch.org for more details on offering a Mass Intention.
HCSC Ministry & Organization Forms
HCSC Website Designed & Maintained with Guardian Angel Service by Catholic Web Services
We appreciate your feedback with ideas or concerns about the website.
e-mail: info@catholicws.com Phone: (434) 202-4297