Our weekly bulletin is distributed at Mass each weekend.  Hard copies available in rear of sanctuary near doors. The bulletin is also distributed via email on FlockNote which is an online communication tool for our parish. You can sign-up to receive FREE email distributions such as the bulletin at https://hcscchurch.flocknote.com/.  You need to subscribe to ‘BULLETINS’ on FlockNote in order to receive the bulletin weekly in your email. 

DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: The deadline to submit announcements for bulletin is the Monday noon prior to the Sunday that it will appear. Email: kpeaks@hcscchurch.org or Call: 202-546-1885.

BULLETIN ADVERTISING AND MEMORIALS: The Church does not coordinate the bulletin ads and memorials (which are found on the back page). You can advertise or place a memorial on the back of the bulletin by contacting Diocesan Publications at 1-800-233-8200 or www.diocesan.com. Your ad or memorial will appear in our bulletin for the next 12 months.

NOTE: To view a bulletin, click on bulletin date:

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