Donate GENTLY USED or NEW clothing items (men, women, teen & children – Sizes: medium to X-large). Used items should be clean. Place items in bags (if possible) and separate used from new items. Place your items in the appropriate boxes in the rear (vestibule) of the Church. Following are the requested items:
Blankets (all sizes)
Items from the above list can be purchased online and shipped to:
Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church
1357 East Capitol St., SE, Washington, D.C. 20003
ATTN: HNS Clothing Drive
CASH/CHECKS: Make checks payable to HCSC and write Clothing Drive in the memo. Use envelopes located in rear of church near donation boxes (or ask an usher) and drop envelope with donation in collection basket or drop off at the rectory office.
ELECTRONIC: You can make a one-time donation using FaithDirect. You do not need an account and it is a FREE secure service. Select MAKE A ONE-TIME DONATION button and then select HNS CLOTHING DRIVE. You can donate using a credit card or direct debit of your bank account.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE: membership.faithdirect.net/DC59.
Your generosity will be benefit the following local organizations: Harriet Tubman Woman’s Shelter www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/program/harriet-tubman-womens-shelter/ Sasha Bruce Youth Center & Phillip Reid House www.sashabruce.org.