1. DONATIONS–purchase items from the list below and bring to Mass or the rectory office (during office hours) over the next 3 weekends (Deadline: Mon., Dec. 23rd). Place donations on the designated table in rear of church or give to usher.

2. ONLINE ORDERS–order items online (Amazon, Target,Walmart, etc.) and ship to:

St. Ann’s Center
4901 Eastern Avenue
Hyattsville, MD 20782
ATTN: Anastasia Sissamis

*NOTE: Indicate ‘Donation from Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church’ in the note section of the order.

3. CASH-_submit cash in envelope and indicate ADVENT GIVING (include your name if you want donation to appear in your annual statement). Ask an usher for an envelope.

4. CHECKS–make check payable to HCSC and write ADVENT GIVING in the memo.

5. FAITH DIRECT OR ELECTRONIC GIVING–make a one-time gift (direct debit or credit card) by clicking here or TEXT ‘Advent Gift” to 301-478-8900. Faith Direct is FREE service. Make sure you select ‘ADVENT GIVING‘ under Make A One-Time Gift button.

NOTE: All donations made by cash or check can be dropped in collection basket or at the rectory office.

Please pray about how you are willing to share your ‘Gifts of the Spirit’ this year with others who are experiencing chaallenges and then act on it by participating in this campaign.  Call 202-546-1885 or kpeaks@hcscchurch.org if you have questions.

Thank you for your generosity.


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