Ministers of Hospitality (Adult & Youth)
People experience the presence of Jesus Christ in the world through the ministry of the Church .The first task of the parish community is to reach out to all people in Christian love and service. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation, and sets the tone for the liturgy. Every Christian is called to ministry and gifted by the Holy Spirit. This calling is rooted in our baptism. By means of our initiation into the Church and strengthened by grace, God empowers each person with the resources for ministry. The minister of hospitality is equipped for this ministry by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts make that ministry effective and enable the minister to build up the Body of Christ. In their welcome and Christ-like attitude, ministers of hospitality ensure that the faithful see and experience the love of Christ.
The HCSC Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) greets parishioners and guests and assists them when they enter the church. They distribute the weekly church bulletins, provides assistance to the pastoral staff and take up the offering. Ministers of Hospitality also make sure the church sanctuary and surrounding areas are maintained after and before each Mass. They manage and maintain the Candlelight Store (where parishioners and visitors can purchase devotional candles, rosaries, bibles, and various religious articles).
Our Ministers of Hospitality are expected be prompt, dependable, flexible and courteous. They receive initial training and on-going formation sessions. The Usher Board consists of three groups – each group has a captain and co-captain who provide guidance and instruction at each liturgical celebration. The Minister’s provide service at all weekend Masses, special liturgical celebrations (Christmas, Easter, Holy Days) and Funerals. Ministers of Hospitality consist of both adults and youth.
If you would like more information on becoming a Minister of Hospitality, contact the rectory office at (202) 546-1885 or