(We recommend ALL children who are not in Catholic school enroll in religious education class.)

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are excited to offer our Catholic education catechism classes from 9:30AM-10:45AM every Sunday (except July-August) at the school building (15th & East Capitol Sts, SE – enter thru parking lot in rear). These classes are for youth in pre-K through 12th grade and are required for those preparing to receive their sacraments (First Communion, Reconciliation (Penance) and Confirmation). Sunday school begins on Sept. 29th! Please register your youth before that date if possible.

If you are interested, complete the FILLABLE registration form below, print or save a copy and drop off at the rectory office; email to mre@hcscchurch.org, or mail to the church address (ATTN: Shirley Austin) on our home page.

We also invite you to participate in our Adult Sunday School Program that is led by our clergy and is held at the same time as your child’s class so that it is convenient for all. We had great participation in the past and want to continue this year so that our parents can learn about their faith along with their children. 

Our Sunday school teachers are outstanding in their support and dedication in answering God’s call to serve the people of God, especially our children. We look forward to another fruitful year of learning the word of God. Thank you to the parents who supply nourishment for our families. We invite all our parents to assist with this very important part of our program. Like Christ, we must not only feed the soul we must also feed the body. Let us know if you are able to assist with the snack and coffee service during Sunday school.

If you have questions regarding our Sunday school program, contact Shirley Austin at 202-368-7231 or mre@hcscchurch.org.   

Mrs. Shirley Austin
Minister of Religious Education
Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Catholic Church
202-368-7231 (cell) ◊  mre@hcscchurch.org


Sunday School Registration Form 2024-25_FILLABLE

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