Advent Giving Campaign 2024
December 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
During the season of Advent, let us share our ‘Gifts of the Spirit’ with those in our parish and community who experience challenges related to pregnancy, parenting and family life. As our faith celebrates the gift and value of every human life, let us also realize our obligations to support those women and families who face challenge. This year, the recipient of our generosity is: St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, Infant & Families. To learn about St. Ann’s center visit:
1. DONATIONS–purchase items from the list below and bring to Mass or the rectory office (during office hours) over the next 3 weekends (Deadline: Mon., Dec. 23rd). Place donations on the designated table in rear of church or give to usher.
2. ONLINE ORDERS–order items online (Amazon, Target,Walmart, etc.) and ship to:
St. Ann’s Center
4901 Eastern Avenue
Hyattsville, MD 20782
ATTN: Anastasia Sissamis
*NOTE: Indicate ‘Donation from Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church’ in the note section of the order.
3. CASH-_submit cash in envelope and indicate ADVENT GIVING (include your name if you want donation to appear in your annual statement). Ask an usher for an envelope.
4. CHECKS–make check payable to HCSC and write ADVENT GIVING in the memo.
5. FAITH DIRECT OR ELECTRONIC GIVING–make a one-time gift (direct debit or credit card) by clicking here or TEXT ‘Advent Gift” to 301-478-8900. Faith Direct is FREE service. Make sure you select ‘ADVENT GIVING‘ under Make A One-Time Gift button.
NOTE: All donations made by cash or check can be dropped in collection basket or at the rectory office.
Please pray about how you are willing to share your ‘Gifts of the Spirit’ this year with others who are experiencing chaallenges and then act on it by participating in this campaign. Call 202-546-1885 or if you have questions.
Thank you for your generosity.
Living with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
Holy Comforter – Saint Cyprian Parish
Year of the Eucharist 2023-2024
Jesus is Here Right Now!
In this, the Year of the Holy Eucharist, our parish linked all our activities, retreats and functions to Jesus who is present with us in the Holy Eucharist. We prayed that these events would deepen our personal encounter with the Lord Jesus who is truly and really present in the Holy Liturgy and Eucharist. We also prayed that this focus would reinvigorate our devotion to Holy Mass and Eucharistic adoration, and to draw others to the realization that Jesus is here right now. We are grateful to all those parishioners who have collaborated on these events and provided the assistance and support that was needed.
Most of the events have occurred but we invite you to learn more about the Eucharistic Miracles, Saints and ther Eucharists and other teaching points at
Prayer for the Year of the Eucharist
Soul of Christ, Sanctify me.
Body of Christ, Save me.
Blood of Christ, Inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, Wash me.
Passion of Christ, Strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, Hear me.
Within your wounds hide me.
Permit me not to be separated from you.
From the wicked foe, Defend me.
At the hour of my death, Call me
And bid me come to you
That with your saints I may praise you
For ever and ever.
May the Heart of Jesus in the most Holy
Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved,
with grateful affection, at every moment
in all the tabernacles of the world,
even unto the end of time.
Friday Holy Hour
Every Friday, our parish holds a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration in the Church.
This is a devotional tradition of spending an hour in Eucharistic adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ, who we believe to be present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, under the appearance of the consecrated host. As a devotion, Eucharistic adoration and meditation are more than merely looking at the Blessed Host, but are believed to be a continuation of what was celebrated in the Eucharist.
The inspiration for the Holy Hour is Matthew 26:40. In the Gospel of Matthew, during the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion, Jesus spoke to his disciples, saying “My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain here and keep watch with me.” (Matthew 26:38) Returning to the disciples after prayer, he found them asleep and in Matthew 26:40 he asked Peter:
“So, could you men not keep watch with me for an hour?”.
All are welcome to come and spend time with the Lord in prayer. Bring your bible or other devotional prayers if you like.
A priest is available during the Holy Hour to hear confessions.
Resources: 12 Reasons to spend a holy hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic News Agency)
myParish App for our Church
We invite you to use our myParish App, offering great ways to be connected to our church:
- Messages – get informed about news and events
- Calendar – events and meetings at our parish
- Parish News
- Daily Mass
- Links to Msgr. Pope’s Homilies and Blog
- Readings – Bible readings for the day at your fingertips
- Available for both Apple & Android Smartphones
- Many more features — see MyParish App website for details
- See the introductory videos below
Introduction Video to myParish App
myParish App Demo